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Rebreathers CCR Closed Circuit Rebreathers

T h e use o f t h is t y p e o f diving equipment is recognised with in the structure of the SAA provided t h a t t h e following guidelines are adhered to .

  1. The divers hold the correct certification for the type and make of CCR used and have registered within the SAA for rebreather diving.

  2. The equipment is used within the manufacturers guidelines, and the dive is completed within the range covered by the certification of the divers.

  3. The divers are certified for the gas mix employed, and dive to the limits imposed by the mix and their certification.

  4. Ideally divers will dive with other divers with the same equipment. However recognising that this will not always be possible the divers in any buddy pair including a CCR must be competent on the system in use.

  5. The diver should always dive with an SMB if practicable Explanatory notes


  1. The diver shall hold a certificate recognised by the manufacturer of the system employed, and issued by an authorised training centre or Instructor. To register for rebreather diving in the SAA, please send photocopies of all relevant certification, this may include NITROX or TRIMIX certificates if not already registered, to Head Office. The SAA reserves the right to request sight of the original certificates and, or contact the Issuing Agency to verify the certification.

  2. If the diver is qualified on for example, NITROX no diving on TRIMIX is covered. If the unit has a maximum operating depth recommended by the manufacturer, diving below that depth will not be covered. If the unit is not recommended for use with certain gas mixes by the manufacturer, no dives utilising those mixes will be covered.

  3. Divers must dive to the guidelines in force relevant to their diver certification. If qualified as an SAA Nitrox Diver, diving shall be on NITROX to a maximum depth of 40m or AIR to 50m. If TRIMIX qualified the maximum depths and partial pressures shall be as laid down in the guidelines on TRIMIX. This does not over rule the manufactures guidelines for the unit, whichever guideline is the most conservative shall be adhered to.

  4. The SAA is not a recognised CCR training agency. No rebreather training can be covered, such a dive MUST be carried out with an appropriately qualified rebreather Instructor certified for the unit in use. Instruction by a rebreather diver of trainee’s on open circuit SCUBA is not covered under SAA Insurance. Diving with a buddy who is open circuit, and not qualified on the type of rebreather in use can only be covered if they are fully conversant with the equipment and any emergency procedures required and can prove it. This is for the protection of the OC diver. In the extreme scenario where the CCR diver was to be fatally injured on the dive, how could the OC diver prove that they had done everything possible to prevent this, if they cannot prove, in a court of law, that they are competent in the system being used.
  5. The use of an SMB so that surface vessels, and marshals are aware of the divers location is required. In some circumstances, where the diver is using the unit to make a penetration dive or diving to greater depths this will not be possible and adequate safety precautions should be taken.


SCR Semi-Closed Circuit Rebreathers

T h e use o f t h is t y p e o f diving eq uip m ent is reco g n ised wit h in t h e st ruct ure o f t h e SAA provided t h a t t h e following guidelines a r e a d hered t o .

  1. The divers hold the correct certification for the type and make of SCR used, and have registered within the SAA for rebreather diving.

  2. The equipment is used within the manufacturers guidelines, and the dive is completed within the range covered by the certification of the divers.

  3. The divers are certified for the gas mix employed, and dive to the limits imposed by the mix and their certification.

  4. Ideally divers will dive with other divers with the same equipment. However recognising that this will not always be possible the divers in any buddy pair including a SCR must be competant on the system in use.

Explanatory notes

  1. The diver shall hold a certificate recognised by the manufacturer of the system employed, and issued by an authorised training centre or Instructor. To register for rebreather diving in the SAA, please send photocopies of all relevant certification, this may include certificates if not already registered, to Head Office. The SAA reserves the right to request sight of the original certificates and, or contact the Issuing Agency to verify the certification.

  2. If the diver is qualified on for example, NITROX no diving on TRIMIX is covered. If the unit has a maximum operating depth recommended by the manufacturer, diving below that depth will not be covered. If the unit is not recommended for use with certain gas mixes by the manufacturer, no dives utilising those mixes will be covered.

  3. Divers must dive to the guidelines in force relevant to their diver certification. If qualified as an SAA Nitrox Diver, diving shall be on NITROX to a maximum depth of 40m.

  4. The SAA is not a recognised SCR training agency. No rebreather training can be covered, such a dive MUST be carried out with an appropriately qualified rebreather Instructor certified for the unit in use. Instruction by a rebreather diver of trainee’s on open circuit SCUBA is not covered under SAA Insurance. Diving with a buddy who is open circuit, and not qualified on the type of rebreather in use can only be covered if they are fully conversant with the equipment and any emergency procedures required and can prove it. This is for the protection of the OC diver. In the extreme scenario where the SCR diver was to be fatally injured on the dive, how could the OC diver prove that they had done everything possible to prevent this, if they cannot prove, in a court of law, that they are competent in the system being used?



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